Our Vision

Our Vision is to help position the Alberta energy industry for MAXIMUM participation post ‘carbon neutral’ by delivering a transition solution for the heavy industry and transport sectors, that promotes utilization of natural gas. We target the commercialization of strategically located CO₂ Storage Hub’s that provide pacesetter cost structure for our anchor tenants and a cost competitive solution for all emitters in our catchment area. We plan to offer a gold standard verification of permanent sequestration under ‘fee for service’ (customer retains credit), or ‘paid for removal’ (full custody transfer) options, subject to regulatory definition and market maturity.

About Bison

Bison Low Carbon Ventures Inc. is a carbon sequestration project developer with a focus on three elements of the CCUS related value chain.



License, develop and operate multi-client, and bespoke, CO₂ sequestration projects


‘Grow’ customers by delivering innovative capture and offtake solutions = lower cost threshold


Support and participate in commercializing technologies complimentary to our storage business

If you want a partner for your sequestration needs, we would love to talk.