Bison Low Carbon Ventures

Bison is an Alberta based private corporation established in 2020 to develop and operate state of the art storage facilities in western Canada and selectively promote natural gas participation along the accelerating energy transition. BLCV principals (3) have combined 120 years of executive and technical experience in the upstream oil and gas industry in western Canada, South America, North Africa and the North Sea including the project planning, initiation, development and production operations associated with over 500 facilities and 1000 wells including applications targeting conventional, unconventional MSHF, SAGD, offshore and subsea, sour gas, and acid gas injection operations. Bison principals have a successful track record in the founding, financing, growth and sale of 8 public oil and gas companies over the last 30+ years.


Experience in western Canada, South America, North Africa and the North Sea


Over 500 facilities


Over 1000 wells


Our Team


Matthew Brister, P.Geol.


Matthew Brister is a Geologist active in the Energy, Mining, Energy transition technology, angel and Lifestyle investment space. He was a founder/promoter of 9 Energy start-ups, 8 of which we sold or merged during his tenure. His companies operated successful exploration programs and developed production in Alberta, BC, Saskatchewan, Tunisia (onshore and offshore), and in the North Sea (offshore). As a Director of 20 companies he has circa 85 years cumulative board service, serving as Chair of 7companies. One half the companies were publicly listed on the TSX/TSXV/AIM/Oslo Bourse or Nasdaq. Matt is currently President of Bison Low Carbon Ventures Inc., an active Fellow of CDL Rockies, a Director of 3 ‘for profit’ enterprises, 3 ‘not for profit’ enterprises focused on education and is a member of both APEGGA and the Geological Society of London.


Grant Wierzba, P. Eng.

Chief Operating Officer

Executive responsibility for drilling and completion operations, production management, facility design, construction and operations segments of some of the most active companies in western Canada (Renaissance Energy, Pinnacle Resources, Storm companies), and international, both onshore and offshore, over a 45-year career.

As senior VP operations at Renaissance Energy, COO at Pinnacle Resources and COO at Storm Energy he oversaw the drilling, completion and production of greater than 1,000 wells, and construction and operation of hundreds of production facilities, including multiple oil facilities producing large quantities of extremely saline water and oil and gas with significant H2S concentrations and multiple gas wells containing H2S including one field where we were an early stage developer of acid gas injection.

As COO of Storm Venture International he was operationally responsible for the development of a new oil field discovery in Tunisia as well as drilling a discovery well in the "V field" in the North Sea.


Rob McNeill, P. Eng.

Operations Manager

Project team lead for Design, construction, commissioning and operation of sour gas/acid gas treating and injection facilities, SAGD, LPG fractionation, Cogen, diesel topping, crude/bitumen/HPV liquid/steam and natural gas pipelines at Renaissance, Pinnacle, Pacalta, Deer Creek and as founder and principle of Drifter Projects. Drifter has delivered over $2bn in projects under Rob’s leadership since 2007.


Fred Davidson, LLB


Fred Davidson practiced as a solicitor for over 27 years with Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLP, a Calgary based law firm. His practice focus was securities and corporate law and included advising a broad range of oil and gas, mining, service and industrial private and publicly listed clients, public and private offerings of debt and equity securities, mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance, stock exchange listing matters and regulatory compliance matters. Mr. Davidson received a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Alberta in 1994 and a Bachelor of Arts, Honours Economics, from York University in 1990. He was admitted to the Alberta law society in 1995.

Founding Shareholder and Friend

Rick Bower, P. Eng.

Chief Engineer at ABC Engineering and CTO of Entropy Inc. a breakthrough carbon capture solvent developer. Design and delivery lead for over 4000 O&G projects in western Canada and globally, some in excess of $1 billion., over a 50-year career. Rick passed away unexpectedly in 2023 and will be missed by family and friends. Rick was an original founding partner of Bison and helped develop the vision for launching the company during the early days of the Covid pandemic. He was a talented, creative, fun loving partner and added a ‘can do’ attitude to everything, and a ‘probably can do it better’ discipline that made him irreplaceable. His critical contributions will be greatly missed.

 If our process fits your project and you want a partner for your sequestration needs, we would love to talk.