Safety, Environmental Sustainability & Stakeholder Engagement
The health and safety of our employees, third party contractors and the public who are proximal to our operations is of paramount importance to Bison LCV staff, management and shareholders. Recognizing safety is a culture, we will have rigorous plans, formulated by experts in the field, for all of our operations and procedures in place to ensure that adherence to the plans is part of our normal work flow. There will be regular third party audits to verify compliance.
Minimizing the impact of industrial development on the environment to increase sustainability is at the core of the concept of capturing and storing greenhouse gases. Consistent with that commitment to increased sustainability, our operations have been designed to minimize the potential negative impact on groundwater, air quality, soils and surface disturbance. The project scope will require several levels of regulatory approval and ongoing compliance that should provide a level of comfort that best practices will be adopted and maintained. Principals of Bison LCV have operated projects in western Canada for over 40 years without major incident, accident or release through effrots focused on continued diligence and improvement, and that will continue to be our focus.
Pre-project consultation and stakeholder engagement with the local Municipality, First Nations communities, the Aboriginal Consultation Office, area surface landowners, specific test location surface landowners, Freehold mineral rights owners and any other parties likely to be affected by the project will commence within 30 days of the award of tenure. We understand that CCUS is in general is a new concept and that accurate information about the process, equipment, operations, risks and mitigative measurements will be required. This consultation will inform all stakeholders of the project scope, objectives, potential impacts and timeline, and offer the opportunity for input that will be incorporated into Bison LCV’s schedule, scope description and additional consultation plan. Bison LCV will commence this consultation work immediately upon approval of the evaluation permit and we would expect to have initial impressions prior to commencement of field activity.
Appropriate management of project risks are the focus of our Measurement, Monitoring and Verification program (MMV) and the intended outcome of the regulatory approvals we will seek and receive from Alberta Department of Energy (ADOE), the AER and AEP.
The ADOE reviews and approves our Measurement Monitoring and Verification program on an ongoing basis over the tenure, and our Post Closure Stewardship program both at Sequestration Lease issuance and periodically thereafter.
The AER administers the Oil and Gas Conservation Act under which our wells, facilities and operations are licensed and monitored, and the Pipeline Act which will regulate that aspect of our operation.
AEP has responsibility over land use, air quality and water resource management that will also involve oversight of our operations. It’s not clear whether an Environmental Impact Assessment would be required but our initial view is that at a minimum, our operation represents Schedule 2 “activities in respect of which a registration is required” under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, and we will discuss with them directly whether an approval or EIA should be sought.